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11 January . 2022

Explore Winter through the Senses

Just because the weather has turned cold doesn’t mean Tehaleh isn’t filled with opportunities and inspiration. One way to keep a positive focus is to consider exploring winter through the senses, and Tehaleh is the perfect place to do that.


Chris, a Tehaleh homeowner, describes the quiet beauty of winter, “there is something magical about seeing snow in the trees out my window. Living with the forest out my back door is always beautiful, but the morning after a big snow takes my breath away. It’s good for the soul.”

When the morning “sounds of silence” give way to the afternoon shrieks of a child’s first sled ride down a Tehaleh hill, all thoughts of winter as a demanding season momentarily disappear. Tehaleh homeowners always find ways to enjoy the greater gifts of the season! According to Sarah, another Tehaleh homeowner, “Waking up hearing children’s laughter and excitement reminds me how much family fun can be had in the winter. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a Norman Rockwell painting”.


Sunset behind Mount Ranier


On a clear winter day, Mt. Rainier in plain sight, the sun brilliant, the trees bare, it can feel like utter clarity. In winter, one can walk into the forest that had been opaque with summer growth only a few months earlier and see the trees clearly, singly, and together. After the snow, the same walk can turn into a white fantasy land, reminding us of fresh starts and clean slates.

The feeling of fresh starts is familiar to many of the residents in Tehaleh. The desire to live in a community that has a reputation for being friendly and fun all while filled with parks and trails has made Tehaleh the number one selling new home community in Washington. The stunning beauty of the community seems to welcome dreamers and comfort empty-nesters. One has only to see Tehaleh to believe in its promise.


There is so much to touch in the winter. When was the last time you held a snowball in your hand too long? Or felt the softness of your favorite winter pajamas? How about the way the flames from the fireplace dance against your skin and make you happy to be sitting near it? Can you remember feeling the wind push against you or a cold breeze blowing on your face?

Touch and texture are a big part of experiencing winter. Tehaleh has many places to go and play that will give anyone who chooses the opportunity to share the exquisite experiences of touching winter. Cuddling up with someone you love to binge-watch the tv shows you’ve missed during the year is a great way to experience touch,


It’s hard to move the Christmas tree out because you know you will miss the smell. Holiday food cooking, pumpkin spice candles, and clothes drying after someone have played in the snow are smells that stay with you throughout your life. It’s hard not to smile when you think of these things but smelling them can be one of your favorite things about winter without even realizing it.

Can you describe the smell of fresh air? Homeowners in Tehaleh experience it every time they walk out of their warm home into the cold air. When was the last time you became familiar with that smell?


Taste is probably the favorite sense of all during the winter. Hot cocoa, peppermint, fudge, grandma’s apple cobbler, pumpkin pie, the list goes on and on. Who doesn’t think of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with friends and family? Taste brings a sense of elation for the festivities celebrated during the season. That snowflake on your tongue – can you taste it now?

Tehaleh is a place to enjoy all the seasons with all your senses and winter is the perfect time for your fresh start in Tehaleh.

Want to know more about Tehaleh? Reach out to us and we will be happy to show you around. Let us know if you would like to talk to a resident Ambassador for the inside scoop.

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