28 April . 2022
What Makes Tehaleh Special
It seems like a question with an obvious answer. That view of Mt. Rainier? The people here? The small town vibe? We find all of those to be true, but when we take a closer look at our special PNW plot we really see what makes Tehaleh such a central spirit to life in Washington. Here are a few that really shine bright for us:
The Trails in Tehaleh
Heading out on a walk or a hike for the day is something that for most people, might involve a drive, crossing a busy street, or a bit of pre-planning. Here, we can open the door and head out on the trails. It’s an excellent way to have friends over. Meet up at homebase, walk to grab a cup of coffee at Caffe D’Arte, and then head around the trails. Parents and grandparents can make it a day of it too, creating impressionable memories with the little ones. Literally a hop skip and a jump to the kids’ favorite parks. To say ‘idyllic’ is just shy of saying ‘your reality.’
And Access To The Outdoors!
When you need to escape your home office, your errands, or even get out of your own head there are places of solitude within Tehaleh that can bring a natural calm back to you. Finding solace, peace and quiet within the community can come at any hour of the day. A post-dinner stroll. A pit stop at Ponder before hopping back into work. The trails lead to natural pauses in our busy weeks. And they’re here at home.
We Love Our Weather.
Up here we can appreciate a nice gloomy day. A bright grey day is so much different than a dark grey day. To us they’re both special in their own ways. But perfect weather to us? A bit of rain, a bit of sun, and a bit of grey (also some snow and hail make things interesting too). Give us more of each and we’ll make the best of use of it. Guaranteed.
The Growth.
With growth in the community we get to witness new neighbors moving in, new trails, new parks being built from design concept to the finished product, and we get to see so many families growing up together. Where else can you find people from all walks of life growing up side-by-side helping shape the community for the better?
It’s Easy To Find Your People.
Finding the right people can be tricky in any town and city, especially when moving from a different part of Washington or elsewhere. Oftentimes, folks come into Tehaleh looking for connections. They’re setting off on the next chapter in their life and appreciate the stability that comes with close knit communities. That familiarity is a cherished aspect of Tehaleh and even if we could find it elsewhere, well…we’d still stick around Tehaleh!
It's Easy To Keep To Yourself.
Yes, we’re a thriving and social community but that doesn’t mean you have to be a socialite to live here. In fact, there’s still plenty of space to take it easy on your own and find that necessary time to yourself. With more than 20 miles of trails (and counting) you’ll have days where you can go for a daily walk and may only see birds, elk, and squirrels along the way.
Village of Dogs.
Hey, we know. Not everybody is a fan of dogs. But in Tehaleh? It’s a village of dogs. It makes you wonder if the pups had any say in buying your house in Tehaleh. They saw the backyard and thought ‘wow, I could bury a bone here, and here, and here. Look at these sticks! We’ve GOT to move in.’ Plus, the dogs seem to take the weather in stride. Better sweaters, coats, and rain jackets than some of us. They’re so at home here that it might be worth checking to see if there’s a paw print on the deed…
The Famous ‘Tehaleh Wave’
Jeep owners get the Jeep wave. Tehaleh residents have the Tehaleh wave. If you have a jeep and live in Tehaleh? You likely feel like the town mayor. What better way to feel welcome at home?
Everyone Is Proud To Be In Tehaleh
Keeping good care of your property may not always be an easy task, but it is always worth it. Whether it’s getting your lawn in top shape, remodeling your kitchen, or doing a deep clean around the house after a long rainy winter – every project turns your house into a home. And in Tehaleh we’re all working alongside one another, often toward the same thing: a happy life complete with joy.
Let’s Introduce You To The Tehaleh Wave
Want to find out for yourself what makes Tehaleh special? Reach out to the Post and we’ll get you set up for a personalized tour of Tehaleh. We’d love to show you around.